Support during COVID without price changes.

A black man in wheelchair looking at tablet sitting on a small table along with two remote controls and a drink in a clear mug with a lid and handle.

As we face some of the most challenging times the Disability industry has ever seen, we would like to thank you for your calm and rational approach in letting us continue supporting our participants through this period.

At Independent Support Solutions (ISS), we believe it is important that we provide our clients with up-to-date, relevant information to assist you in completing our role of supporting our participants. As a team of support professionals in Disability Support Services, we would like to reassure you that continuity of support during this period is our primary objective. Our team understands the importance of continuing support services for participants and ensuring that the successful progress we strive so hard to achieve continues.

With this in mind, we would like to confirm ISS is continuing in-home support and visits wherever necessary. We are taking every precaution crucial to ensure our team stays healthy and maintains quality hygiene practices when supporting and visiting clients.

In any instance where it is not possible to support or visit a participant if they or a member of their family is sick, or if they have concerns and would like to reduce their risk altogether, Independent Support Solutions is available to provide Support Coordination and assistance across all disciplines via Telephone/Skype/Texting or email. Our team is fully skilled in how to deliver services over video conferencing and/or telephone solutions as required and is able to meet the needs of our participants to ensure there is no delay in their support.

During this time, it is incredibly important that support continues and that we ensure our participants receive the best quality care they can and keep the momentum of the progress they have been working so hard to achieve. We would also like to advise you that Independent Support Solutions will not be applying any price increase advised by the NDIS. We believe now is not the time to make it harder for participants to receive the supports they need.

If you or your family members have any questions relating to how ISS is continuing to provide support or would like to continue their support via an alternate method such as Tele link/skype/messenger, please reach out to our team of support professionals as we are only too happy to assist.

Please remember we are here to support you and your family members however we can. We are still accepting new referrals and importantly we will continue to provide in-home support or visits throughout this time.